Giandomenico Salcuni

Of Counsel, Professor and Lawyer

He is a full professor of criminal law at the University of Foggia and serves as its representative in the Observatory established through a Accordo Quadro among the universities in Puglia for monitoring teaching and research activities related to anti-mafia themes. He was previously a member of the Centro studi per il contrasto alla criminalità organizzata interna e transnazionale, established at the Department of Law at the University of Foggia, he attended, within the scope of a research contract committed by the Province of Foggia, in the technical committee responsible for preparing the strategic plan for Capitanata, to be presented to the MEF as part of the so called Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza.

As the author of numerous publications in various areas of criminal law, he possesses specific expertise in organized crime law, European criminal law, and economic criminal law, particularly in tax criminal law and public administration criminal law.

He has been a member of the Foggia Bar Association since 2003, and he is authorized to practice before higher courts. He has been collaborating with the Law Firm since 2018.

Scientific Activities:

  • Member of the Review Committee for the magazine Archivio Penale.
  • Member of the Review Committee for the magazine La Magistratura, published by the National Association of Magistrates.
  • Member of the Scientific Committee for the magazine Legislazione Penale.
  • Member of the Evaluation Committee for the magazine Teoria e Prassi del Diritto.
  • Member of the Institute of Criminal Law Studies “Alimena,” an interdisciplinary research center at the University of Calabria.
  • Member of the academic boards for Ph.D. programs in Economics, Culture, Environment, Economic and Humanistic Sciences for the Enhancement of Territories, in the XXXVI, XXXVII, and XXXVIII cycles.